Persistent Depressive Disorder

What Is Persistent Depressive Disorder?

Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD or dysthymia) is a chronic form of depression. The symptoms of PDD can look similar to Major Depression, but not to the same degree or severity. For example, someone with Persistent Depressive Disorder may experience low energy during the day, but this low energy level may not be severe enough to prevent someone from getting out of bed in the morning. However, the decreased level of energy can impair a person’s ability to engage in daily activities.

Other symptoms may include:

  • Negative ruminating thoughts
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Poor self-esteem
  • Passive suicidal ideation, which can become actual suicidal ideation
  • Anhedonia- inability to find pleasure or enjoyment
  • Decreased appetite or overeating
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability- more likely to be seen in children and adolescents
  • Feelings of guilt regarding past behavior or seemingly benign events

Persistent Depressive Disorder vs. Major Depressive Disorder

Persistent Depressive Disorder information | 91204 | 91501 | 91101 | Long BeachAnother important distinction to make between Major Depressive Disorder and Persistent Depressive Disorder is the time course of the low mood. Persistent Depressive Disorder is characterized by a low mood that is not cyclical, but persistent, as the name suggests. A person with this condition may experience symptoms that last for a minimum of 2 years. There may be brief periods of improvement, but the symptoms tend to return within 1-2 months. It should also be noted that episodes of Major Depression can happen while in the midst of a persistently depressive mood. Past nomenclature might refer to this as “double depression.”

People with Major Depressive Disorder typically experience depressive symptoms in a cyclical fashion. At minimum, symptoms of a major depressive episode last for 2 weeks. On average, a major depressive episode can last for 3-6 months before improving without intervention. It is possible for there to be a decline in mood again in the future (known as a recurrent episode). It is also possible for a depressive episode to never happen again. Speak to a professional for diagnostic clarification or if you are interested in treatment.

Treatment for Persistent Depressive Disorder in Glendale, CA

If you suspect that you may be experiencing Persistent Depressive Disorder symptoms, you can speak to a CUBE representative for consultation. If interested in a more formal evaluation, an appointment can be scheduled if appointment times and your insurance allow. Talk therapy, antidepressants, exercise, diet changes, and environmental changes are mainstays of treatment for this condition.Alternative treatments such as TMS are more commonly found in outpatient settings.  If you are curious about TMS, you can contact The CUBE for no charge for more information.

The C.U.B.E. may be able to help.  It is important to keep in mind that living with depression is not easy, but help is out there.  If your thoughts ever become dangerous to your or towards someone else, call 911 or go to your local emergency room for assistance.

Summary of Persistent Depressive Disorder

Persistent Depressive Disorder is one of the lesser publicized diagnosable conditions in the DSM.  Talk therapy, medication, and/or TMS for depression may be options for you. Other important things to be aware for the treatment of depression is monitoring physical health, the quality of one’s social circle, and work-life balance.  Addressing these issues can enhance treatment and/or allow for sustained relief once treatment has concluded. Learn more about the condition below and consider a consultation if you think you would benefit from treatment.

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